Zeus's Greenhouse is filled with the memories of the fuzzbutts who have come into our lives and made them infinitely richer. If you would like to purchase a potted tulip in memoriam please contact us at info@keeshondrescueontario.com
What words can describe a 6ft tall vet weeping with gratitude the day I picked him up from the OSPCA…he obviously saw more in Donnie at that moment than I did…
What words can describe this ratty dog with big feet, big ears, big fangs and jet black eyes that looked at me with resignation and hopelessness…
What words can describe the stoic fellow who never complained about his previous life but sat proudly in his yard, King of the World…
What words can describe this funny little man who still walked tall even when he lost his coat, lost an eye to cancer, suffered with pancreatitis…
What words can describe the gentleness of the look in his eye, the touch of his paw on my arm the day he told me it was time and he would be waiting on the other side for me…
This was Donnie…loyal, loving, loud, proud, protective, impressive, courageous…all who knew him loved him. All who loved him miss him…especially me.
If Zeus were a human, I would describe him as a blue collar worker with a tool belt, lunch bucket & work boots, an honest, reliable man of simple needs & great heart. He is a construction worker -- building relationships and trust. Marlene Miller
Mitsu was regal and total perfection with stardust in her eyes.
George -- my first Kees and only puppy. Smarter than most humans - he understood everything said to him. He was a true ladies man. If he saw a pretty lady he would give his best "Rrruufff" in a sexy low voice. Maybe he was Italian! He had a wicked sense of humour. Once he snatched my 14 yr old daughter's lace bra and ran out the door and raced around the block shaking it with her in hot persuit!! He died of Alzheimer's at 12 1/2 in 1997. Marlene Miller
Chimo -- my first rescue, beloved 2 yr old whose owner died suddenly. I brought her home with a big pink bow. She was the dumbest dog I ever had but smart enough to watch George & then do what he did. She has a stroke when she was born and was not expected to live past 8. She died at 15 having a nap under her favourite tree in 2002. Marlene Miller
Gizmo was my first Keeshond. He stole my heart the moment I saw him at 8 weeks old. I brought him home in a blinding snow storm while he screamed the whole four hours. Gizmo and I danced together in the agility ring. He was the first Keeshond to get an agility dog Championship in AAC. Gizmo was instrumental in helping my rescue Kees adjust to their new lives. I miss you Gizmo. You are forever in my heart. Louise Foster
Connie White
Tammy Lynn Bell
Elaine & Bill Pilot
Lori & Keith Conroy
Connie White
Connie White
Connie White
Kelly Wood
Alecia Novak
Echo was my second Kees and was my retirement wish in 2004. I requested her from Mirmist Kennels of New Brunswick because I had met and worked with the Kennel owner Pam Doyle while working and living in Miramichi. Echo was called 'pink' lady as she wore a pink ribbon until I named her. I travelled to NB to pick her up at 5 months old. She was a beautiful girl with an attitude, an engaging smile and an outstanding coat. We love and miss her very much. Pat Bromley
Bailey B. Slee
Winnie entered my life at 11 months old. She was a jumping bean behind the baby gate. She continued to run, jump, dance and trot (hardly ever walked!) for the rest of her 11 years and a half years. She took over our lives (husband Murray, JJ other Keeshond and myself), was determined to meet personally everyone she encountered, was only mildly curious about other dogs besides JJ (she was a bit self-indulgent!) and melted hearts everywhere. She was vibrant, dynamic, beautiful, playful and sooooo loving. She owned our family of 4 like no other living creature. Living without her has been the hardest journey yet. We will miss her forever; she was loved beyond measure.
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Mira loved everyone and everybody loved her. She did not have a mean bone in her body. Greeted everyone with soft but direct eye contact, expected a cuddle and made everyone's day. She is greatly missed in the neighbourhood and by her human and kitty family. Remembered with joy and for the fantastic walks in all weather and for her cuddles, she was my constant companion for 12 and a half years until cancer took her too soon.
Rest in peace my precious girl.
JJ, our precious boy, had the kindest heart of any dog we’ve known. Quiet, noble, stoic and adventurous, beautiful of face and soul. He loved oranges, Caesar salad, sleeping with the TV on low, young pups, running behind the cedars and peeking out. He let Winnie, his life-long companion, take the lead always. He wanted only to please, and was a good judge of character. He’ll be missed forever; he was a true companion.
Simba came to us as a foster and never left. In his time with us he lost 36lbs/16k of weight, helped mentor 4 other fosters, raised one puppy, and loved everyone unconditionally. He loved meeting kids in the neighborhood, and always gave out great hugs. Always in our hearts, until we meet again.